Куче не може да сопре со плачење, откако сопствениците го оставиле во засолниште (видео)
Тажните невини очи на AJ (Еј Џеј) може кај дел од луѓето ќе ја поткренат свеста за нехуманиот третман кон животните. Кучињата ве сакаат безрезервно, но дали и вие нив?
Ако досега сте чувале куче, тогаш сте биле сведоци на безрезервна љубов, на очи полни радост кога ќе си дојдете од работа и на константна желба некој да биде со вас.
За вашиот миленик вие сте светот и мора да запомните дека кога земате миленик се обврзувате кон него. Мора да му бидете лојални, а не по некое време да сфатите дека не ви одговара да биде дел од вашиот живот и да го напуштите.
Некои сопственици на кучиња за жал ги напуштаат милениците и дури и поради најмали причини ги оставаат во засолниште. Таков е случајот со AJ кој бил оставен во Carson Animal Control Agency.
Прекрасниот AJ откако бил оставен бил под огромен стрес и не можел да ги сопре солзите. Неговиот исплашен поглед и тажните невини очи покажуваат дека не му е јасно зошто тие што ги сакал најмногу го предале на овој начин.
Видеото од него стана вирално:
SAFE!!!!!!!!!!UPDATE!!! SAFE RESCUED AJ is 100% pure sweet, gentle, loving beauty, he loves other dogs and he is missing his brother. He is shutting down, he has a cold and he needs your help today. He is really special and he has a lifetime of love left to give. He needs a hero now and he would be so grateful. Please SHARE for his life, a FOSTER or Adopter would save him now. His brother is still in need too. Thanks! #A4913106 My name is AJ and I'm an approximately 6 year old male Pit Bull and Labrador Retriever. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/21. I will be available on 1/21. You can visit me at my temporary home at C309. My former family who owned me for had to give me up because they couldn't afford the care I need. http://www.petharbor.com/pet.asp?uaid=LACO1.A4913106 Carson Shelter, Gardena, California 216 Victoria Street, Gardena, California 310.523.9566, M-TH 12pm - 7pm, F-SU - 10am - 5pm VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/videos/vb.171850219654287/535773869928585/?type=2&theater NEW PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.219655291540446.1073741846.171850219654287/536011676571471/?type=3&theater PHOTO THREAD https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.172032662969376.1073741830.171850219654287/535761563263149/?type=3&theater
Posted by Saving Carson Shelter Dogs on Monday, February 1, 2016
SAFE!!!!!!!!!!UPDATE!!! SAFE RESCUED AJ is 100% pure sweet, gentle, loving beauty, he loves other dogs and he is missing his brother. He is shutting down, he has a cold and he needs your help today. He is really special and he has a lifetime of love left to give. He needs a hero now and he would be so grateful. Please SHARE for his life, a FOSTER or Adopter would save him now. His brother is still in need too. Thanks! #A4913106 My name is AJ and I'm an approximately 6 year old male Pit Bull and Labrador Retriever. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/21. I will be available on 1/21. You can visit me at my temporary home at C309. My former family who owned me for had to give me up because they couldn't afford the care I need. http://www.petharbor.com/pet.asp?uaid=LACO1.A4913106 Carson Shelter, Gardena, California 216 Victoria Street, Gardena, California 310.523.9566, M-TH 12pm - 7pm, F-SU - 10am - 5pm VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/videos/vb.171850219654287/535773869928585/?type=2&theater NEW PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.219655291540446.1073741846.171850219654287/536011676571471/?type=3&theater PHOTO THREAD https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.172032662969376.1073741830.171850219654287/535761563263149/?type=3&theater
-->Posted by Saving Carson Shelter Dogs on Monday, February 1, 2016
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