Инспиративна девојка со една рака не се откажува од соништата - танцува и јава коњи

Родена е со една рака, но испраќа порака дека може да стори сè, само на малку поинаков начин од другите.


Ешли Шерман е 23-годишна девојка од Флорида која е родена без подлактицата од десната рака, но на крајот од лактотот има мали прсти, кои и помагаат во извршувањето на секојдневните работи.

Поради тоа Ешли морала да смисли поинаков начин како да им пристапува на работите во животот, но не дозволила овој недостаток да ја спречи во тоа да го живее животот со полн здив.


It's day 20 of #limbdifferenceawareness month! Happy Friday everyone ? today's video is me doing some exercise and demonstrating how I do a one handed push up! I can definitely say that after 23 years of living with one arm, my left arm has some sort of super power strength. It's the strength of two arms in one ? but with that has also developed into shoulder issues and lots of wrist issues to where I sometimes can't move my wrist without severe pain for hours. Overuse is real. I have also developed neck issues from only having one arm. But on the bright side my bionic arm the #ilimbquantum by @ossurcorp has helped to even out my body tremendously and take all of that extra pressure off from my right side. #limblossawareness #luckyfinproject #luckyfin #amputee #congenitalamputee #amputeegirl #armamputee #lfp #workout #fitness #pushups #inspiration #onearm #armamputee #OrlandoCyborgAshley #össur #bionic #amputeez #differentisbeautiful #limbdifferent #abs #amnioticbandsyndrome #amp

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Таа е професионална танчарка, обожава да јава коњи, да вежба, да свири на пијано. Периодов води видео дневник на Инстаграм и прикажува како изгледа нејзиниот живот и колку адаптации мора да прави.


Hello friends! It's day 22 of #limbdifferenceawareness month, and today's video has been requested by quite a few people. So this is how I zip my jacket! Now I know I can usually use my little arm to help me out a bunch, but one of my friends who asked about zippers doesn't have as much fin as I do. ?? so this is how I zip my jacket when my little arm is occupied (like holding my phone for a video). I can usually use the back of a chair or surface that is near the bottom of my zipper. I could even use my knee to help me as well! I try and hold The one side with my thumb and use my other fingers to place the other side into the zip (idk what to call it). Then I can hold The bottom part with my thumb and zip up from there. The first video is a bit farther away but the second one serves as a POV video. Some zippers are definitely easier than others. To be honest I still struggle with zippers sometimes to this day. But keep on trying! Anyone have any tips on one handed zippers? Feel free to share below (: #limblossawareness #luckyfinproject #luckyfin #lfp #limbdifferent #onearm #amputee #amputeegirl #amputeehacks #missingarm #OrlandoCyborgAshley #zippers #adaptiveclothing #ossur #touchbionocs #awareness #littlethings

A post shared by Ashley Mae Sherman (@orlandocyborgashley) on

Инспиративната Ешли вели дека може да стори сè само на малку поинакво начин. Сака да испрати порака дека до сите ги прават работите на свој начин дека нема ништо погрешно во тоа.


It's day 5 of #limbdifferenceawareness month, and in spirit of me being at @sealifeusa today here's a dive post! A question I get a lot is "Is it difficult for you to dive with one arm?" The answer is no! But there has been some challenges. Scuba diving is a sport that has been in my family for many years, starting with my parents being divers. Now my sister @autumn_sherman80 both have taken up diving as a career. My favorite thing about diving is the feeling of being free. When you're completely underwater and you have the chance to explore a world that you've never seen before it's an experience like no other. A few challenges that I faced were very minor. I have no special adaptations for my gear. With the regulator coming from the right side I had to complete a reg retrieval. But my right shoulder actually has a lot more ROM than my left, so I can retrieve my reg with ease and put it back into my mouth using my left hand. Also full face mask training was difficult to figure out at first but I got it after the second try! Up to today I'm a proud #NAUI Rescue Diver and I work as a Scuba Diver teaching kids about the ocean from under water using an @oceantechnologysystems #Gaurdian mask. I also have volunteered with @diveheart working with some great people making sure everyone of every ability has threw chance to learn how to dive. I truly feel blessed! ❤?? Feel free to ask any questions! #naui #padi #diver #scubadiver #scuba #nitrox #rescuediver #divejobs #ocean #ots #oceantechnologysystems #aqualung #scubapro #luckyfinproject #luckyfin #orlandocyborgashley #limbdifferent #limblossawareness #amnioticbandsyndrome #abs #congenitalamputee #scubasquad #sealifeorlando #aquariumdiver #aquarium #aza

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Како изгледа нејзиниот живот:

С. С. | Црнобело

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