Денес сме опколени со фотографии од луѓе со совршено извајани тела, но ретко кога имаме можност да ја погледнеме реалноста со која се соочуваат повеќето - масни наслаги и целулит од кој тешко можете да се ослободите.
Токму затоа, новиот тренд на социјалните мрежи, #CelluliteSaturday, за краток период се прошири и стана општо прифатен. Ја прикажува реалноста со која се соочуваме - „несовршени“ тела.
Покрај тоа, овој тренд има за цел да испрати порака дека сите ние треба да си го прифатиме сопствениот изглед.
Концептот потекнува од Кензи Брена која во минатото имала дисморфобија, но го прифатила својот изглед и сега самата сака да им помогне на останатите кои не го сакаат своето тело.
Таа нè потсетува дека целулитот е сосема нормална работа со која се соочуваат дури 93% од жените.
Кензи секоја сабота споделува нова фотографија и ги охрабрува и другите да го направат истото. Многу жени почнаа да го следат нејзиниот пример и гордо познаа да ги покажуваат своите „недостатоци“ како кожа со изглед на портокал, јасно видливи дупки и масни наслаги...
Многу жени ги објавија своите фотографии каде целулитот им е јасно видлив:
Decided to be brave and raw with you guys. No filters, no editing, no cropping out my unmade bed/messy room. This is me. If you don't know, #CelluliteSaturday is a thing started by the beautiful @omgkenzieee. 93% of women have cellulite!! And while that statistic says the majority of women have it, think about how many of us try to get rid of it. The presence of cellulite is largely genetic, and im sorry to tell you that any topical cream is not going to get rid of it. I would be lying if I said i haven't tried to get rid of mine. I carry cellulite largely on my thighs and butt, especially underneath my butt. I workout 5 days a week, I eat a balanced diet, I drink lots of water, I foam roll every now and then. All of these things are said to be able to help reduce the presence of cellulite. But guess what? Who gives a fuck? lol. Honestly though. There are SO many other things that could be and ARE "flawed" about me. And if I have the "flaw" of cellulite than so be it. These "flaws" say nothing about me as a person, or who I am. This "flaw" that the majority of women have is considered a "flaw" because of the standards set by the beauty industry. Go look in a magazine, or any sort of ad with women showing skin and tell me if you see cellulite. The one company I know of that doesn't retouch the models is @aerie. But other than that, smooth skin with no evidence of cellulite is the so-called standard. And as women we constantly see that and then assume there's something wrong with us that needs to be fixed. My point is that if you have cellulite, you are not abnormal!! You aren't "flawed!" YOU aren't CELLULITE. You have cellulite. Just like you have eye boogers, ear wax, body hair, BO, split ends, stretch marks, moles, skin discolorations, acne, etc. These don't define you. Your character, heart, sense of humor, ability to understand. Those things define you and who you are as a person. Give yourself a break ladies. Much love????❤️ #Cellulite #StretchMarks #LoveYourself
A photo posted by L e i g h a M c D a n i e l (@leigha_lifts) on Oct 29, 2016 at 9:20am PDT
Simply amazing! Stay fierce gorgeous! Thanks for supporting the #selfiesforselflove movement ???????????? from @josie_landry #Repost @deegetsstronger with @repostapp ・・・ Second curvalicious cellulite post, in honor of @omgkenzieee's #cellulitesaturday's (woop woop!!!!) and her attempt to spread awareness of the shame our society has brought onto our bodies???? There's no shame in having squishy bits on your body, or having those same squishy bits move whenever you do. There's no shame in embracing and loving yourself, or spreading that love to others. There's no shame in participating in activities that "aren't meant for your body type". There's no shame in wearing whatever the fuck you feel most confident in. Shame is for the people who put others down for the sole sake of feeling better about themselves. For the media outlets and public figures, who would rather endorse a product that is profitable to them, than use their high positions to spread positivity and love to their audience. And for the ignorant minds who will tell you that self love is not in itself an act of spreading love to others. Health is not defined by one particular shape or size. Health is not cellulite creams/low-carb breads/fat-free yogurts/waist trainers/detox tees/fad diets/2 week ab programs/body wraps OR ANY OTHER LOAD OF CRAP THE MEDIA TRIES TO SELL YOU. Health is being aware of your body's needs - giving it rest, challenging it, nourishing it, and most of all, being able to truly call it home.????
A photo posted by Selfies For Self Love (@selfiesforselflove) on Oct 23, 2016 at 10:11am PDT
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